Community guidelines

Content Rules

1.1. Videos must be original and not infringe on any copyright laws. This means users cannot post videos that do not belong to them or violate the rights of others. If you are unsure, you can check the copyright and request permission to use the material.

1.2. Posting videos with violence, extremism, pornography, drugs, alcohol, offensive content, and other inappropriate materials is prohibited. This rule aims to protect against unwanted content that may offend or violate the rights of other users.

1.3. Posting videos containing false information, including fake news, spam, and other inaccurate information, is prohibited. This rule aims to protect against unwanted content that may mislead users and violate their rights.

User Behavior Rules

2.1. Insulting, threatening, discriminating against other users is prohibited. This rule aims to protect against unwanted behavior that may lead to conflicts and violate the rights of other users.

2.2. Using the app for selling goods and services is prohibited. Flow is not intended for commercial purposes, so it is forbidden to use it for selling goods and services.

2.3. Using the app for collecting personal information about other users is prohibited. This rule aims to protect against unwanted use of personal information that may violate the rights of other users.

2.4. Using automatic programs and bots for video posting is prohibited. This rule aims to protect against unwanted use of software that may violate the rights of other users.


3.1. It is recommended to post videos that may be interesting to other users. This rule aims to create interesting and diverse content that may attract the attention of other users.

3.2. It is recommended to leave comments that correspond to the video topic and do not violate the app's rules. This rule aims to create constructive feedback and respectful attitude towards other users.

3.3. It is recommended to use the "report" function in case of rule violations. This rule aims to protect against unwanted content and behavior of other users.


4.1. Violation of community rules may result in blocking the user's account. This rule aims to protect against unwanted behavior and content that may violate the rights of other users and create a negative atmosphere in the community.

4.2. Violation of community rules may result in the deletion of the user's videos and comments without explanation. This rule aims to protect against unwanted content and behavior of other users that may violate the rights of other users and create a negative atmosphere in the community.

4.3. Violation of community rules may result in the user's ban without explanation. This rule aims to protect against unwanted behavior and content that may violate the rights of other users and create a negative atmosphere in the community.

We hope that these rules will help create a pleasant and safe environment for all Flow users. We welcome feedback and are ready to answer any questions.

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